Today I
went to Wrest Park to explore the Gardens and see what wildlife it
was home to. As it turned out I saw lots of interesting creatures and
plants. The Irises were starting to grow and sprout new leaves in the
ponds ready to produce a colourful display in a few weeks time all
being well. There were a couple of species of pond weed growing in
abundance (I couldn't say which species, I'm not very good at pond
weed). There was no frog spawn as yet but then I didn't see any frogs
A bit
further along there was a Red Kite soaring over some fields. It was
quite far away but it's pale head could just be made out and it's
forked tale was clear. There were a few pairs of lapwing in the field
that the Red Kite kept worrying and they would fly up calling
'Peewit, peewit' before coming back down to the ground again. A
couple of skylarks were also up in the air and their song was falling
down on the breeze to be heard from where I was stood. I'd only gone
a couple of hundred metres and seen lots already.
There were
sticky buds on the Horse Chestnuts, empty Beech nuts next to the new
buds on the Beech trees and old seeds still hanging on the Sycamore
trees. There were birds singing – Robins, Wrens, Great tits,
Blackbirds to name just a few more, as well as Bumble Bees making
zig-zagging flights over the grass.
In some
ponds there were signs of life with some silver fish gliding along
the water before disappearing back underneath the surface – I don't
know what they were or what they were doing. It could have been
feeding or some sort of display. Fish behaviour is something else I
need to find out about!
Pond skaters
were darting around on the surface of the water. I just caught sight
of them moving out of the corner of my eye as I was looking at some
pond weed. Coot were feeding and swimming around, seemingly trying to
pick fights with each other. A Grey Heron flew over, there were Mute
Swans and Greylag Geese walking around paying very little attention
to anything else.
In the two
hours I spent walking around I saw loads of species of plants, birds
and insects as well as a few fish. I think that was two hours well
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