There were a
couple of giant ammonites (Parapuzosia
species) that I saw (the modern relatives of ammonites beong
nautili). It was quite easy to spot the fossils, I just walked along
the tide line and looked for the shape of snail shells. The fossils
were all in the chalk and were between 0.5 and 1m in diameter.
It was a
lovely morning – bright and sunny with a breeze. As well as the
fossils there were limpets and marks on the rocks where limpets had
been attached to the rock, clinging on and waiting for high tide so
they could feed. There were also a large number of sea gulls –
mainly Herring gulls – sat on the rocks just out of reach of the
waves or soaring on the breeze. I had a great time scrambling around
amongst the rocks and will have to get round to visiting some of the
other south coast beaches to see if I can find any more fossils!